Society of British Theatre Designers (SBTD)
Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama
Castle Grounds
  • Cardiff ,
  • Wales ,
CF10 3ER

The Society of British Theatre Designers is a professional organisation run by designers for the benefit of designers. It was created to benefit theatre designers and their profession and to explore and further the role of the designer within the arts today.

The SBTD acts as a hub for the sharing of information and communication between professional designer members. We are seen as the first point of communication in the UK by the International Scenographic community, and by International companies seeking professional designers.

Associated listings

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To make sure you are correctly linked with the organisation, we will make some manual checks. 

Your Stage Data registered email address needs to match the organisation’s domain or listed contact. 

If these details do not match, but you would still like to make a claim, please contact us.

Society of British Theatre Designers (SBTD)