Musicians’ Union
60 – 62 Clapham Road
  • London ,
  • England ,
General: 020 7582 5566

The Musicians’ Union is the UK trade union for all musicians

We stand up for employed and self-employed musicians working in every area of the UK music industry, and in music education.

We work to maximise the employment and overall income of musicians as well as protecting and improving working conditions. We also offer advice, support and legal assistance based on every individual member’s needs.

We lobby government at all levels and campaign on a national and international scale on issues of relevance to our members.

We actively oppose all forms of harassment, prejudice and unfair discrimination whether on the grounds of sex, race, ethnic or national origin, religion, colour, class, caring responsibilities, marital status, sexuality, disability, age, or other status or personal characteristic.

Associated listings

If this is a venue you manage and would like to update the details, register and return to this page.

claim your listing.

To make sure you are correctly linked with the organisation, we will make some manual checks. 

Your Stage Data registered email address needs to match the organisation’s domain or listed contact. 

If these details do not match, but you would still like to make a claim, please contact us.

Musicians’ Union