Independent Theatre Council (ITC)
The Albany
Douglas Way
  • London ,
  • England ,
General: 0207 403 1727

ITC is the management association for theatre’s independent sector. We are a community of peers spread across the UK working in drama, dance, opera and musical theatre, mime and physical theatre, circus, puppetry, street arts and mixed media. ITC exists to enable the creation of high quality professional performing arts by supporting, representing and developing those who manage and produce it.

Associated listings

  • England
  • England
  • England
  • England
  • England

If this is a venue you manage and would like to update the details, register and return to this page.

claim your listing.

To make sure you are correctly linked with the organisation, we will make some manual checks. 

Your Stage Data registered email address needs to match the organisation’s domain or listed contact. 

If these details do not match, but you would still like to make a claim, please contact us.

Independent Theatre Council (ITC)