Incorporated Society of Musicians (ISM)
4–5 Inverness Mews
  • London ,
  • England ,
W2 3JQ
General: 020 7221 3499

The Incorporated Society of Musicians (ISM) is the UK’s professional body for musicians and a nationally recognised subject association for music.
Since 1882, we have been dedicated to promoting the importance of music and protecting the rights of those working in the music profession. We support over 10,000 members across the UK and Ireland with our unrivalled legal advice and representation, comprehensive insurance and specialist services.

Our members come from all areas of the music profession and from a wide variety of genres and musical backgrounds. As well as working musicians, our membership also includes part-time and full-time students and retired musicians.

We campaign tirelessly in support of musicians’ rights, music education and the profession as a whole. We are a financially independent not-for-profit organisation with no political affiliation. This independence allows us the freedom to campaign on any issue affecting musicians.

Associated listings

If this is a venue you manage and would like to update the details, register and return to this page.

claim your listing.

To make sure you are correctly linked with the organisation, we will make some manual checks. 

Your Stage Data registered email address needs to match the organisation’s domain or listed contact. 

If these details do not match, but you would still like to make a claim, please contact us.

Incorporated Society of Musicians (ISM)